Iceland day three: Alastair's day. A few months ago it was a picture of a south coast town named Vík that made me really excited about Iceland. Upon further study of things to do in Iceland, the most exciting seemed to be Jökulsárlón, a glacier lagoon about four and a half hours from Reykjavík. Day three was the all-important day for both places to be experienced. We headed out early, about 7am, and by the time the sun came up at around 9:30, we were already in Vík. We took some pictures of a beautiful church and the "trolls" in the ocean, but headed off quickly because we wanted to be at the glacier lagoon earlier. We planned on coming back to Vík later on. The drive to Jökulsárlón was long, but very beautiful. We passed through lava fields, mountains, glaciers, waterfalls, even the famous Eyjafjallajökull volcano from the Secret Life of Walter Mitty movie. We passed through patches of light rain, heavy rain, fog, and sunshine, and finally arrive...