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Showing posts from February, 2015

Our Son

Well, our newest adventure has officially begun. At 8:32am on the seventh of February, a beautiful baby boy arrived, measuring in at 8 pounds 1 ounce, and 20.5 inches long. We were 36 weeks and 6 days pregnant, or one day preterm, but it is possible that the dates might have been a little off. Our cute little boy got his name the next day, Emre Percy McKee. We left the hospital with Emre just over 24 hours after he was born. It was a great pregnancy and a wonderful birth. We are looking forward to our life together!

The Quirkiness of Pregnancy

Since we’re at the final countdown for the arrival of Baby McKee, I wanted to share some of the quirky moments during this pregnancy as well as a few tips for the future baby creators out there! 1 st Trimester It was like I reverted back to my teenage years, breaking out and all that jazz. My hormones were so out of whack, that I would get these humongous crater-like zits that would last for weeks and months! I still have remnants from two of these bad boys… hooray for scarring??? There was one Mordor of a zit on my forehead and I could tell that people were staring at it. One morning, before work, I irrationally cut myself some bangs. Silly, I know, but at least people weren't staring into the eye of Sauron! So, I rocked the bang look for a little while, which is always fun! Tip: Don’t overdo it! I can be pretty stubborn and I would ignore Alastair when he would tell me that I needed to just chill, and so there were times where I regretted overdoing things. Just rec...