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Showing posts from January, 2015

Baby Shower

This weekend sure was a lot of fun! My sister-in-law, Jess, threw us a couple’s baby shower, so we spent a lot of time with friends and family this weekend. We had a nice lunch, chatted about Hoarders (our recent binge-watch), decorated some onesies, and played games. Jess did a really great job in preparing this for us! It was also nice to have my brothers here to spend some quality family time! Our family time typically consists of a lot of laughter and late nights. I’m definitely sleep deprived, but I guess that’s just something I’ll have to get used to now that this baby is coming! We are at the final stretch of this pregnancy. Within this month, Baby McKee will be here! I am beyond excited for the arrival of this baby, especially to finally know what the gender is. I think it’s total crap when women say they “know” what the gender of their baby is, like they have some “mother’s intuition,” because I honestly have no idea what this baby is going to be! Boy or girl, I don...

A Weekend For Nesting, Not Resting

We spent the majority of this weekend getting ready for the baby! Saturday was expensive, we bought just about everything that the little baby will need, and then moved the apartment around. We've been cleaning and organizing and doing whatever we think that the baby will need to be healthy and happy! Lain is still looking fantastic, and the pregnancy is going really well. To prove it, we went over to the Einstein wall in Provo for our week 33 picture.

New Years Day Adventures

I can't believe it is 2015! Last year just flew by. I'm definitely looking forward to this year, especially for the baby to come. I went to bed very late and got up really early to go snowboarding at Sundance with Marcus. I got a snowboard and all of the gear from Laleinia for Christmas. Today was my third time riding my board already! Marc and I were on the slopes for about 5 hours, and I felt like we were the only ones there for the first one or two! It was a great day to be at Sundance! Now, if I am being really honest, I am going through a bit of a crisis! Each year, around new years, I start thinking of what Laleinia and I can do in the coming twelve months. We make ourselves a kind of bucket list for the year, and then throughout the year we try and do all of the things that we planned on doing. This year, I've been trying to think of what we can put on our list, but I get stuck. I am realizing that my life is changing dramatically, because we have a baby on the ...