Slightly rested from the last few days of excitement and adventure, we woke up as the Eurostar was arriving in Paris and headed out into the Parisian capital. This was to be a test not only of our traveling endurance, but also our French language skills. Both of us had taken lots of French in high school, and we enjoyed giving it a go after so many years. Long story short, we were terrible but much better than we thought we would be! We gave French a fair effort throughout the day, but almost all those we spoke to reverted to English for us. The plan was to start the day with our bucket list in mind by climbing the steps of the Eiffel Tower. We figured that if we went straight there, we wouldn't have to worry too much about queues. We arrived, realized how cold it was, saw there was no line, and left in search of warmer clothes! This was the day that Laleinia forsook her fashion over function mentality (although she still looked really cute). That's what cold, we...