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So...We Moved To Dubai

The lesson that I learn time and time again is, "I know nothing." I thought we were going to stay in London for a few good years, I would become a citizen, and we would buy a place in the UK. Nope. At least, not now. London is funny- in order to live in London, you need to leave. London is so expensive and it was going to take a long time for us to get to where we would like to be. So, we decided to move to Dubai. Alastair worked on a project with the Dubai office and really enjoyed it. He decided to request a transfer and it was approved. 

Everything was so uncertain and frustrating and scary. So many unknowns. It seemed that every single day, there was a new plan or new idea. The thing is, we love London. It's one of my favorite places. But the pandemic really robbed us of our time. I don't regret moving and I don't regret the decisions we've made to live in London either. There's no bitterness. Leaving is just something we had to do. When we were in the thick of making some big moves, we were even considering moving back to the US. The third lockdown was really hard for us and we wanted to do anything to make sure Emre was happy. We even considered moving to Texas. If you know me, you know that's my last resort. But we were willing to do anything to make sure our boy was happy. But I had this thought- We aren't normal people. We're meant for extraordinary things. I know that sounds cocky, but it kind of is true. I've never wanted the big house, the nice cars, the dog, the whatever else you need to keep up with everyone else. That's never been something I've needed in my life. I love change, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, and allowing my son to live an extraordinary life along with us. And as time went on, all the other doors closed and the one remaining was Dubai. Sometimes you have to go through the struggle to see what is really meant for you. 

So, I started to slowly pack up our stuff. It was tricky because we weren't sure if Emre and I were going to go with Alastair. We thought it would be difficult to find a place in a school so we figured we would finish out the schoolyear and fly out in July. But that would have been horrible to be separated. 

One day, it all came together. Alastair got the date he was to fly out (in 3 weeks), we found out that our landlord would release us from the contract, and I found out that in the UAE, it's compulsory to start at age 6. So Emre didn't have to start school until September. It all worked out! 

The next 3 weeks, I packed all our stuff and cleaned our apartment, all while Alastair was working on the absolute stressful and anxiety-filled project and Emre was on Spring Break. It was an intense 3 weeks but we did it. 

We were able to spend time with friends, do the things we wanted to do in London (what lockdown allowed), and spent lots of time with Hollie. There were many walks that we took and I filled my eyes with as much of London as I could. There was a time where I was so busy that I didn't have time to think about actually moving away from London until I went on a walk to meet up with a friend. On my way to my friend, I walked around my favorite neighborhood and got all choked up. It was probably the last time I would walk in that neighborhood, to see the red brick mansions and the private garden. If it wasn't my last time then it will be a long time until I'll do that walk. It hurt. It still hurts. Thinking about it now makes my heart hurt. If I close my eyes, then it almost feels like I am right there. I want to believe that it isn't a forever goodbye and we will live there again. I really hope...

Oh, London, how I love you!

It has been about a month since we made it to Dubai. Moving during a pandemic... it's weird. 
I feel like I'm still in limbo. We found an apartment and are waiting for our residency card so we can get our bank set up and then we can move in. We are also waiting for the shipment of our stuff from London, so our place will be empty for about a month or so or whenever we get it. Emre got into a school and we are so excited for him to start in September! It is the coolest school and I hope Emre will thrive and find the joy in learning! Alastair has started work. Before he got back into the swing of things, he had about 3 weeks of vacation, which was much needed! Lots of swimming in the pool and beach time, which is amazing! Seeing old friends in a new city is surreal. Lots of shopping and eating is awesome. And we're all tanning up quite nicely. I didn't realize how white we were! Ha! The best is, Emre has learned to swim! 

I feel like I need to cherish this time because we've been granted this time to heal from the thick of the depressing moments in London. As much as I loved London, 2020 and the beginning of 2021 was the most difficult time in my life. It was difficult for the three of us and I feel so bad for Emre. He was robbed of so many childhood experiences and he will never get that back. So, in a way, Dubai has allowed us to bring back the wonder and majesty of childhood. No one will ever truly understand how hard it was in London except those that lived in London. Those were some very difficult times. 

Saying goodbye was really hard for Emre. Especially saying goodbye to Hollie. Their bond and relationship is something I will always cherish and be grateful for. She is such a blessing in his life. He spent a lot of time with her, sleepovers and everything, a few times before we left. And there were days where he would cry and say that he missed her. It was really hard for him to cope. And saying goodbye to our apartment. He didn't want to leave it. He said it was the best place he ever lived in. Before we left, we hugged and said a prayer and thanked Heavenly Father for letting us live in that home. Most of our time in London was spent in that apartment. It kept us safe from all the storms in our life. I will always remmeber Emmy, our frienly neighbor with the pink door and the ferrari in her driveway. She was the kindest and loving neighbor. And Eleanore and Emilie, the French virologist working her butt off during the whole pandemic and her daughter, Emre's first neighbor friend. I will always be thankful for Palace Mews. It was all our little safe haven, a quiet little mews where neighbors gathered in the front for drinks and a chat while the children chased each other and raced on their scooters and were cautioned to keep the football away from the Ferrari. 

Our last night, we stayed at Hollie's for one last sleepover. I didn't want to cry because I know we'll see Hollie again. But I'm crying now because I miss her so much! I can't wait to see her again!

Over a year and a bit later, Ionut dropped us off at Heathrow and we flew and moved during the pandemic. It had been so long since we flew that Emre was actually excited to take off. Before, he was so used to flying that he didn't care. But he was excited. Weird times.

I guess, it should be worth mentioning some moments we've had in Dubai. 

The Burj Khalifa is stunning. In my opinon, a lot more spectacular than the Eiffel Tower. It is stunning! 

I passed out while getting a pedicure. Not because of heat or lack of water, but because the lady literally ripped skin off my foot. It hurt so bad and I guess I fainted. So embarrassing! But of course, something like that would happen to me! I think I'll stick to doing my own nails and think of something different to treat myself to next birthday. 

There is every shop and restaurant you could imagine. I ate at Charlie's, a philly cheesesteak place I used to eat at the mall in Modesto and in the same food court was the German Doner Kebab shop right down the street in Fulham. It's like my whole world has collided into one place. And Anthropologie is even opening up in the Dubai Mall this weekend. I'll definitely be buying some candles for our place! All I need is a Target and I am all set! 

Now, I'm not a car person, I don't care for them. But, I have gotten to that point where I am breaking my neck for these cars. Haha! We've seen so many Lamorghini's and Ferraris. I've seen a car wrapped in gold and a Bugatti worth millions, owned by the crowned prince. It's all very fascinating and exciting, especially for Emre. He's all about cars now. He once threw a fit and cried about us not buying a Ferrari. I should have filmed it because it was as ridiculous as it sounds! Oh honey, it'll never happen! haha

Yesterday, we went to Kite Beach to meet up with some new friends. After our friends left, we decided to stay behind and swim a little longer. There was a dark shadow that would move and change shape, it was a large school of fish. We took Emre to see them. He was able to swim amongst the thousands of fish. He got more confident, swam down and around. Alastair also took him to swim to the buoys. He actually learned to swim confidently in the gulf! We were so amazed and proud of him! Within a month, he was able to learn to swim in a pool and now open water. He never ceases to amaze me! 

Another exciting thing is that we've met up with some old friends from Barcelona! It's been fun to see how much Emre and Silas have grown. The last time they saw each other, they were about 2 1/2 and now they're in school and have really grown into these unique and fun kids. Time sure flies! 

The next thing to look forward to is for us to move into our apartment. I can't wait to make our place ours and to get into a routine. 

Now, the question is, how long are we staying? Well, we're committing to a year and who knows after that. Also, what is our plan for after? I don't know. But we're here and so far it's been a really great experience!