Cyprus doesn't require its own separate blog post because there wasn't much too it. We were there for about 24 hours and I lay sick in bed the whole time. It rained, we scrambled to wash and dry our clothes, managed to step out for dinner, and Alastair went for a run. There wasn't much to it. We flew into Amman, Jordan and it was actually foggy and rainy. I was expecting desert; dry and hot, but it wasn't. We rented a car and drove straight to Petra. We only had a few days and planned our time quite well. We checked into our place for the night, only Alastair went in just to get the key. When Alastair got back into the car, I asked him if we were going to drop our bags off. He just said, "it's probably safer if we just kept it in the car." Disclaimer: it was safe and we were fine. It had a trip advisor award for excellence from 2013 or something like that; they should probably get that award stripped from them. One of the top 3 worst places we...