When Alastair and I dated, we never did long distance. I mean, we only dated for 3 months before we got engaged, but still, we never did long distance. I never imagined we would have to do that in our marriage. 10 weeks apart....sucks. It's the absolute worst. I highly do not recommend it! It was nice to see family and to gain weight on American treats (oh, Taco Bell, you have my heart!), but it's not worth being apart from your spouse. I've rarely been homesick. Maybe 2 or 3 times. But I was missing "home," the familiarity of my favorite face, my best friend, my home, and Emre's dad. Emre can throw quite the tantrum and his tantrums during the summer were next level intense. It was exhausting! I even called Alastair late at night, crying, and we were trying to find flights two weeks early. But I soldiered on and lasted the full 10 weeks. So you could probably sense how excited I was to finally be in London. I've never lived there, but it felt familiar, kind of like I came home.
We were there for about a week and we had so much fun! Alastair had to finish his last week of his internship and Hollie took a bit of time off work to spend some time with Emre and I. It was the best to have so much Hollie time, she's our favorite! Emre and Hollie have such a strong bond, it's the sweetest thing and it makes me so happy. She's so patient and loving and Emre absolutely adores her!
I tried to fill our time with some things that emre would want to do. Of course, the dino museum! It was crazy busy, so we had to stand in line, and got completely drenched from the rain! I felt like Holly Golightly, looking for her cat in the pouring rain, so iconic!
I also had a Hollieday, just me and her! We went to Notting Hill, shopped around for vintage finds and rings. We chatted, had lunch, and made our way to the Tate Modern. Alastair's not into art exhibits, so it was fun to enjoy it with Hollie!
It was also nice to meet Michael, the owner of the fish and chip shop across the street from Hollie's place. He was Alastair's friend and he never let Alastair pay. He's seriously the nicest guy and he has the best chippie!
The best part about all this is that London feels like home and it will be our home! After graduation, we will be moving to London. Alastair got an offer with Baine, the company he interned for. He will be a consultant with his dream company and his dream city. I'm not gonna lie, I was more excited that he got the internship, but I was more relieved that he got the offer. Like, I was expecting him to get it, just as long as he didn't completely mess up the opportunity. But he worked hard and got the offer and that's all that matters!
It's crazy to look back and to think of the times when we dreamed of living in London. Like an unattainable dream that would probably never happen. But it's happening, it's so close! To live in a city with so much history and culture. Emre going to school in his cute little uniform, Alastair hopping onto the tube to get to work, and me... we'll iron out those details for another time. Let's just say, more dreams to come true!
London, I love you and I'm so excited to call you home!