Grandma and Grandad came to visit, so we wanted to show them a good time! Problem was, the weather in Ann Arbor was horrible the whole time they were here, so there wasn't much to do. Winter seemed like it just wanted to stay and didn't truly go away until mid May. I mean, it never really leaves.
Right after picking them up from the airport, we got online to see what the weather would be like over the weekend in a large radius around our place. Just about everywhere was expected to be miserable - except Mackinac Island! It was supposed to be chilly but sunny, so no sooner than we'd arrived back from the airport, we were bundling in the car and heading up to Northern Michigan!
As it was Laleinia's birthday (28 - never looked better) we stopped at Ulta on the way, and also stopped for food here and there. It took us quite a while before we finally pulled into our hotel in Mackinaw City. We were running on fumes, since I (Alastair) thought we'd make it to our stop without having to get gas. Laleinia didn't think we would, and she was almost correct. We pulled off the highway about 10 miles outside of Mackinaw City because we saw a sign for a gas station, but then we realized it was 3 miles down the road so I said no and got back on the highway. Well, when we finally got off the highway in Mackinaw City I was coasting, trying to make sure we didn't stall, since the mileage estimator thing said we had 0 miles left for one or two miles! Turned out we made it - phew!

The next morning we got on the ferry and headed over to the Island. Emre really enjoyed the ferry, it is really fast and quite choppy, with water spraying everywhere (but we sat inside!). When we got to the Island, we just had a relaxing time walking around, looking at the cool houses, watching the horse drawn wagons go by. We ate some pizza, bought some fudge, and even walked up a load of stairs to see Arch Rock, which was really pretty.
Of course, being with Emre, we went to a park, and I went down the slide with him head first. I wasn't expecting this, but ended up being shot out of the bottom of the slide and landed on my head and neck! Luckily I cushioned Emre's fall, but he thought it was really funny.
The best part of the day for me, aside from spending time with my parents and family, was at the water's edge by Arch Rock. There was this big log on the rocky shore, so I pushed it in the water, and then started throwing rocks at it to wedge it in place. For whatever reason, it was super therapeutic, so I kept on throwing rock after rock, until my goal became to completely bury it! Well, I'm pleased to report that the log was going nowhere after we were done with it.