I love Shanghai. If I had a list of the places I wanted to live, Shanghai would be top on that list! Our last night was spent in Shanghai. Our flight was delayed for a couple of hours, so I was so sad that we weren't going to have much time to shop around. We got to our hotel around 10 at night, maybe a little later. We made it just in time to see the lights shut down for the night. We rushed to our room, opened the shades to see our view of the Bund, put our robes on, and danced to The Weeknd. One of the best moments ever! It was such a lovely suite, I even took pictures for future reference! One day, we'll have a home. One day.

We had a wonderful breakfast, then headed out to enjoy our last few hours. We went to the financial district to see the Pearl Tower and one of the tallest buildings, Shanghai Tower. The Shanghai Google office was in one of these tall buildings, so of course, we went to it. It was lunch time, so I snagged a pork bun from the cafeteria. Sooo good! We also went to the Shanghai Tower and went to the observation deck, right at the top. The elevator ride was relatively short, ear drums popping the whole way up. There was a 360 degree view, it was spectacular! Such an amazing view of an amazing city!
After we took hundred of pictures, we headed to the airport to see our little love. It was a great way to end an amazing trip!