I went up to Seattle for a couple of days for a work event. It was really enjoyable, the first day the sun was out and it was glorious. A lot different to the Seattle I remember since the last time we were there the weather wasn't so great. The second and third day the weather was what I expected, which was also what I wanted, as I've missed the rain! I got to go out in a canoe for a photo, and also slept in the office on my second night. I was lying on a couch in this bar area when at about midnight the security guard told me that the cleaner wanted to come in, and i should go behind the bookshelf. I had no idea what he was talking about, so he took me to this library looking room and pulled the bookshelf back, revealing three little sleeping rims with these couch bed things, complete with blanket and pulled and everything. It was so awesome. The only problem was that I was so excited to see it that it made it hard to fall asleep!