When we decided to move to Michigan, Laleinia made me promise two things: that we'd have Emre's blessing in Utah, and that we'd go back again for Christmas. Lain and Emre went out a few days before me, and then I followed along. I worked for a few days from the Provo office, which was nice. Very small, and most people were out for their holiday breaks, so I had the office almost to myself on some days! It was great to spend time with both sides of our families, especially for Emre to get time with all of his grandparents. The other massive positive was that we got to go skiing/snowboarding a couple of times, and the snow was fantastic! When we travel, we love to explore new places, but it is always great to see family, and to go back to Utah. Another bonus was to meet Logan's girlfriend (who would soon become his wife), and for me and Logan to build our Christmas igloo. This year was the year of the BIGloo! It was nice to celebrat...