Our time in Luoyang is coming to an end very soon, and we have been doing our best to make the most of what time is left. We have been exploring the city more, and are loving what we have found. Here are some of our recent favorite places to go...
Luoyang Museum
We recently went to the Luoyang museum, a really huge building with loads of old artifacts. Not sure if we have mentioned this before, but Luoyang has been the capital city of China on numerous occasions, and so there was a lot of cool stuff to see, including pottery and somehow an elephant skeleton!
Guan Lin Market
Old Town - Dirty Street
Oh look, a dog's face. I think we will pass!
Lain has recently made the big step from Advanced to Professional Taxi Hailer. No small feat, and one that she is very proud of. Maybe she just has a bigger hand than most Chinese, or maybe the way that she flaps it is something unusually attractive. Whatever it is, it gets the job done. So much so that when a taxi driver already has someone in his taxi, he is ashamed. And rightly so.
We have been frequenting a Western bar recently with our friend Larry, to enjoy the western music, live music from Laura (Chinese lady with English name), play Slapjack, Farkel, and enjoy a refreshing soda. Since neither we or Larry drink, it has been fun to talk to people like Laura, people watch, and just be outside of the apartment.
Guan Lin Market
Guan Lin market is a huge, part indoor part outdoor market with hundreds, probably thousands of sellers. There are small stores dedicated to clothes, socks, electronics, even tape. It is a pretty wild place to be, especially when people fly by you on a scooter, even though there is barely enough room for the handlebars to go in and out of the small stalls. I saw this wonderful Tiger Face sweater and before I knew it, I had bought it for Laleinia and couldn't wait for her to put it on. I then dared her to wear it for a whole week. Not one to shun a dare, Lain complied. Two weeks on, it is still Lain's sweater of choice.
Old Town - Dirty Street
Before coming to Luoyang, we did a little bit of research, and the one place that I wanted to go more than any other was Dirty Street, which we now know to be in Old Town. Dirty Street has loads of different types of food, many "normal" things to eat, and then a lot of delicacies that sounded really adventurous and crazy when I was sitting comfortably on a couch in the US. Now, very far from home, and encapsulated by smells that I would rather not describe, the thought of eating an adventurous brain, bug or testicle just don't seem like a fun idea anymore. I have done many things in my life only because I wanted to be able to say that I did them. This wasn't one of them, and I don't regret it (yet).
Lain has recently made the big step from Advanced to Professional Taxi Hailer. No small feat, and one that she is very proud of. Maybe she just has a bigger hand than most Chinese, or maybe the way that she flaps it is something unusually attractive. Whatever it is, it gets the job done. So much so that when a taxi driver already has someone in his taxi, he is ashamed. And rightly so.