This weekend, Alastair and Laleinia packed their bags for a weekend getaway to Sacramento. They attended the reception of the Hunts, who served in the NYRM with Alastair. The reception was a blast, and Alastair loved seeing some of his friends from the mission.
We stayed the night at the Mickelson residence, hence, the clowns. Paul and Natyeli were planning on running a 5k the next morning, so Alastair and Laleinia decided to join in. There was no training beforehand, no preparation, nothing. Laleinia was very nervous because she has never ran over 2 miles in one run. This was a challenge for her!
The people of Marysville congregated by some park, and within 15 minutes, the race was on! Alastair suggested that they run faster to beat the crowd...bad idea! Within a few minutes, Laleinia was out of breath. She motioned Alastair to go on without her. Alastair went on to finish in 3rd place and Laleinia successfully accomplished her first 5k. It was hot, tiring, and rewarding. We all got medals!
But the real winner of this race was payaso Paul. The race was a 5k and 10k. Somehow, Paul managed to get confused, lost, and he ran more than a 5k. He possibly ran a 10k. We weren't sure how far he ran, so we called his run an IDK (I Don't Know).
After we all got our medals, we headed back to the house to eat a late breakfast. We were all tired and decided to take a siesta. It was a very long, but much deserved, siesta. After they all woke up from their naps, the 4 hopped into the car to go get ice cream.
The little ice cream shop was by a lake. Once they all chose their flavors, they went for a walk by the lake. The weather was very hot and the ice cream was delicious! The rest of the afternoon was spent house hunting and garage sale shopping. Laleinia bought bags of yarn and fabric for some DIY projects. They eventually headed home for some Peruvian dinner, which was very delicious! Before heading home for Mother's Day, a few rounds of Mexican train and Farkle were played with the Mickelson's.
Sunday was spent treating momma Jankowski with delicious meals, flowers, and phone calls from Marcus, Chris, and Doug. Doug is the baby brother serving a mission in Guatemala, who just had his last phone call home. He comes home in July!
It was a wonderful Mother's Day weekend, filled with yummy food and friends!
We stayed the night at the Mickelson residence, hence, the clowns. Paul and Natyeli were planning on running a 5k the next morning, so Alastair and Laleinia decided to join in. There was no training beforehand, no preparation, nothing. Laleinia was very nervous because she has never ran over 2 miles in one run. This was a challenge for her!
The people of Marysville congregated by some park, and within 15 minutes, the race was on! Alastair suggested that they run faster to beat the crowd...bad idea! Within a few minutes, Laleinia was out of breath. She motioned Alastair to go on without her. Alastair went on to finish in 3rd place and Laleinia successfully accomplished her first 5k. It was hot, tiring, and rewarding. We all got medals!
But the real winner of this race was payaso Paul. The race was a 5k and 10k. Somehow, Paul managed to get confused, lost, and he ran more than a 5k. He possibly ran a 10k. We weren't sure how far he ran, so we called his run an IDK (I Don't Know).
After we all got our medals, we headed back to the house to eat a late breakfast. We were all tired and decided to take a siesta. It was a very long, but much deserved, siesta. After they all woke up from their naps, the 4 hopped into the car to go get ice cream.
The little ice cream shop was by a lake. Once they all chose their flavors, they went for a walk by the lake. The weather was very hot and the ice cream was delicious! The rest of the afternoon was spent house hunting and garage sale shopping. Laleinia bought bags of yarn and fabric for some DIY projects. They eventually headed home for some Peruvian dinner, which was very delicious! Before heading home for Mother's Day, a few rounds of Mexican train and Farkle were played with the Mickelson's.
Sunday was spent treating momma Jankowski with delicious meals, flowers, and phone calls from Marcus, Chris, and Doug. Doug is the baby brother serving a mission in Guatemala, who just had his last phone call home. He comes home in July!
It was a wonderful Mother's Day weekend, filled with yummy food and friends!