Hip-Hip-Hooray! The deed is done. Alastair has only been fishing five times, and has now caught his first fish! The biggest catch of the day came only half an hour into the Fiesta of Fish. The unlucky brown trout shot out of the water to try an evade the born and bred fisherman, but there was nothing that Jaws could do. Drama ensued. Another angler was summoned to help tame the beast. After an epic 25-30 second battle, the Fish-Fest was over. Here is a picture of Alastair and Nessie, right before mercy was exercised.
Big. I know. |
The fish was released, as it was very early in the day and the fish was too heavy for the four fishermen to haul around. After proving his handiwork with a rod, Alastair showed his skillful side with the reel, by catching a mosquito in it. Mercy was not shown this time. Death happened.
Try this at home.
Arguably the best catch of the day happened a little further up stream. After fishing, fishing, fishing, Alastair found the fisherman's wife and together they stared into Mesa Falls, and pondered about the future. It was a tremendous way to celebrate the quarter of a year of marriage mark. Three moons, three months.
Three months ago we overlooked the San Francisco bay.
Today, we overlook Mesa Falls, Idaho. |